It looks beautiful outside, so sunny that I could almost taste the happiness it brings. And yet, I'm stuck here in this prison of mine. I promised myself that when I graduate from high school I will travel the world. How? I don't know but I do know that I will be doing it. I'm sick of my life. I have no real friends, my family seems to be moving and leaving me behind, and I lost the one person who meant so much to me. He was the only person who loved me when I said I hated the world, the only one to be there in my moments of pain. But now, he seems to have disappeared and I want change so badly. Someone once told me that high school is supposed to be one of the greatest times of your life. I would just like to tell that person that you are the stupidest and most naive person I have ever met; HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS!!! Especially if you're a perfectionist who tries so hard to excel but can't get the grades you want. I'm ready to give up...actually, I really want to just stop caring. But I can't.
So this is it huh? This is how life is supposed to be. I'm forever condemned to live a boring life, work in an office, scrape by to make a living, get married, have children, cook and clean for other people, forget who I am and who I once was, become a zombie who is satisfied with the same routine, the same faces, SAME SAME SAME SAME! ugh! I want so much more to happen! I want to wake up and every day is different. I want to travel and learn about the other people who surround us. I want to take risks and I want to succeed, and I want to love and to live. And yet, here I am. Stuck in the same old fricking house, with the same uncaring friends,and the same grades as last week and last year and the year before that. I'm trapped.
And that is a Norah Jones song.
ReplyDeleteJust noticed. xD