I can't stand you. No really, I can't.
I've right about had it with you and your crap. All I can take, I'm done with you. FINISHED.
When I leave for college, you will miss me and you know what, I think I will miss you too but NOT your crappy attitude and your unkindness.
You always follow people when you could be such a great leader! I don't understand why you have to do everything everyone else does? You're different, be happy for it!
You always annoy people and then blame that person for you getting hurt! If someone says stop, dammit STOP. If someone says go away, leave them alone. If I say I hate you, give me a hug and then leave.
You are soo much like dad. Yeah, I said it. YOU ARE LIKE DAD. You both try to manipulate people's feelings and then try to blame them when you don't get your way.
"It's your fault my finger was bleeding. It's your fault you kicked me in the nuts." NO IT'S NOT! I TOLD you specifically to GET AWAY. And you know what you did, you just got closer. You're such a spoiled brat. And you're SO damn selfish! You treat mom, who has worked hard and relentlessly for everyone in this house, like a piece of crap! You talk back to her and hurt her. You suck at school when you're so damn smart and you love people that are gonna leave you more than you love your damn family! You're "Friends" don't give two CRAPS about you like me and mom do! And you stupid girlfriend isn't gonna be your wife so she doesn't mean crap to me. You don't know what love is, you're too young and too naive to know that. You think you know where you're going, that you're the leader. Got news for you honey, everyone else in this house knows MORE than you do. We're older. I know more than you because I'm older, I've had more life experience than you. Now mommy and Marlon will know more than both of us put together because they've been here longer! Stop being such a baby and GROW UP.
And STOP freaking hitting me! I'm not your friend, I'm not your enemy, I am your fucking sister and I deserve some damn respect from the person I have to live with!!!!! I am soo sick of you thinking you're some macho man because you know what you are, a COWARD. A coward who hits women because he doesn't know how to take out his anger!!! And there are soo many times where I've just wanted to beat you up but you know what...you're not worth it. You're just a mean, selfish, spoiled butt head called my brother. And this "Thing" you've become is not my brother and until my BROTHER comes back, you are forever going to be an "IT" to me. My brother didn't hit me. My brother didn't call me a bitch. My brother gave me hugs. My brother was nice. My brother was funny. My brother was not disgustingly inappropriate and he did NOT make nasty jokes that are NOT funny. My brother was my friend and you have become my enemy. I don't like this mean Benjamin. Tell me when the real one comes back.
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