June 30, 2009


They're okay now.
Just had a moment :)
I love my family. They mean the world to me. Even when they make me upset or annoy me. God gave them to me for a reason, they're the best!
I haven't talked to Willie in like a week and a couple of days now. It's not that I don't like him, it's just well he was making me do all the chasing! I felt like a man!! Plus, he did this thing where he wouldn't text me back until like five hours had passed and it just made me soo mad because he would text me first and I'd reply without getting an answer for like 3 hours! Plus, it's not like I really liked him anyways. He was very cute, had the prettiest eyes and the best sense of humor but there were times where I would just look at him and ...ew. It's all just physical attraction anyways. He's missing out; I was actually going to show him who I really am but thank God he showed me he's not worth it or ready. If he really liked me like he said he did he would make the moves, call me and not take one hundred years to answer when I reply, and he would've asked me out already. Soooo, I'm guessing the guy just got scared off haha! Totally understandable since I was practically making all the moves ; must have scared him off by accident.
I have started to pray for this guy I used to date, Billy. It's not that I still like him but I really care for him...and I think it's because of those two months we had. I mean, this guy would never take a bullet for me, would never care if I was crying (or he wouldn't know what to do and avoid me) and he is definitely going to forget me. Thing is, I would take a bullet for him because I care and his lifestyle has really been scaring me. We're not girlfriend/boyfriend anymore (thank God! We didn't really match) but he still means a lot to me and I don't want to see him hurt.
One of my other friends, Hai, has recently been going through what I was going through my freshman year, the "want/need" for a relationship. I tried to warn him that maybe he should just wait, a relationship will come when it is ready! You can't rush those things! And plus, they never last, what's the point? But he didn't really want to listen, kept on talking about how done he was with being alone. I wanted to tell him that one day he's going to be married and he's going to look back at his single years wishing he could've done more things! Being single isn't a burden, it's a gift. You are given the opportunity by such an awesome God to learn more about yourself and serve others. He just doesn't get it which is okay, everyone has to learn certain things on their own. His way of learning will just end in painful heartbreak sadly :(
Well, that's all I really feel like writing about this morning...might go to the pool since I haven't gone since summer started lol!

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